2024 主題 Theme


「事件」 總是某種出乎人意料的方式發生的新東西,它的出現會破壞任何既有的穩定架構。延續前兩年的關渡國際自然藝術季所策畫《療癒,作為一個方法》與《自然,作一個禮物》兩檔展覽,關渡自然公園試圖回應「後疫情」時代(after COVID-19)「自然」作為恢復”社會秩序”的一種另類方案後(我們試圖回歸並且創造與自然情感連結方案),我們似乎需要回頭思考事件(COVID-19)後所面臨的現實:




Ecology, as a perception

In 2024, we want to make a clearer statement and emphasise the reconstruction of the relationship between people and the environment, and seek the concept of sustainability. What attitudes and actions shall we take towards the ecology, and what values shall we convey to the people involved? When the ecology becomes the artist's attitude, the presentation is a perception on ecological observation, a gesture that inspires future generations to actively intervene in the society and change the environment and human beings through art for the benefit of the public. Therefore, the curatorial theme of 2024: "Ecology, a perception " is an invitation to artists and the public to think about the real environment together, and to take an ecological care as the starting point of the road back home.
