「關渡國際自然裝置藝術季」始於2006年,是臺灣首次有大型自然藝術活動在一座以保育為出發點的自然公園舉辦。活動紮根於深具生態保育價值與豐富 河口文化的關渡濕地,以自然藝術為媒介,打造人與藝術、自然的對話空間,探討「人與自然的關係」這門重要課題,期望能為現代社會與自然相處的失衡狀態找回 平衡點。藝術季於今年邁入第十年,邀請民眾欣賞藝術家根據2015年度主題「感潮」現地打造的藝術作品,欣賞這些獨特創作在自然與時間更迭下的各種變化, 並期待能將觀看的感動轉化為守護環境的具體行動。
Guandu International Outdoor Sculpture Festival began in 2006. It is Taiwan's first large-scale natural art event held in a nature conservation park. The Festival is rooted in Guandu wetland which is an area rich in estuary culture and ecological value. It is an event aims to create dialogue between people, arts and nature through discussion of our relationship with the natural environment in hopes to restore the balance between modern society and nature. This year, the Guandu International Outdoor Sculpture Festival celebrates its 10th anniversary with the theme "A Tribute to Tides", and we sincerely invite all to visit the park to enjoy and appreciate the different aspects of these unique artworks and transform your passion into action to protect our environment.