

2019年末,全球遭遇新冠病毒(covid-19)的衝擊,並且隨著日益嚴重的全球暖化與極端氣候的影響之下,使國際政治經濟情勢產生劇烈的變化,各種自然災害、病毒傳播、生態失衡等等情況已成為現代生活的常態:如何與病毒共存,與人們因疫情影響的身心失衡的狀態,重新思考與定義人類跟自然生態的各種關係,已經是這個後疫情時代(Post-pandemic era)下最為廣泛討論的的課題。

關渡自然公園自從2001年成立的開始,就扮演城市與自然環境之間的一個連結與過渡的角色。每年除了南往北返的候鳥與在地的動植物棲地的保存與維護之外,也透過舉辦國際自然藝術季來探討自然環境與人類活動等各項議題。這些環境藝術的創作,除了回應當代社會與自然環境轉變的批判性角度之外,也對自然環境的審美,感知、體驗與互動性的過程提供了某種範例參考。因此,在此,藝術成為一種連結自然環境,思考環境的一種媒介。今年的主題: 「療癒,作為一個方法」,主要是反映我們所處的後疫情(Post-pandemic era)時代,人類如何在自然中尋求一個療癒身心平衡的可能,並且希望透過藝術重新串聯人類與自然環境連結。我們期待透過創作來彰顯自然的療癒價值,也開啟並重新審視我們與自然之間關係的一個契機。

Theme of the Year

Healing, A Methodology

In late 2019, the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the extreme weather events due to global warming, we have seen frequent occurrences of changes in international political and economic situations, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, ecological imbalances and other conditions. Therefore, rethinking and redefining the various aspects of the human-nature relationship and the imbalance between the mind and the body have become the most important topics in the post-pandemic era.

Founded in 2001, Guandu Nature Park has been initiated to play a role in the connection and transition between cities and the natural environment. In addition to migratory birds that travel southbound and northbound and the conservation and maintenance of local flora and fauna habitats, Guandu International Nature Art Festival is held every year to explore various issues of the natural environment and human activities. The environmental artistic creations not only respond to the transformation of contemporary society and the natural environment in a critical perspective but provide an example to refer to the esthetic perception of the natural environment and the experiential and interactive process. Therefore, the art here becomes a medium to connect with and think of the natural environment. The theme of this year: “Healing, A Methodology” is mainly to reflect on the post-pandemic era where human beings stay, to find a possibility of healing and balancing the body and mind in nature, and to reconnect human beings and the natural environment by the hope of art.

We look forward to highlighting the healing value of nature through creations and taking them as a turning point to initiate and reexamine the relationship between human beings and nature. Let’s try to walk toward “nature” and find “healing”.