2012 Guandu International Outdoor Sculpture Festival“Arrival of Migratory Birds”
The township of Guandu is located at the border between water and land, thus becomes a popular stopover for many migratory birds. Because birds are very sensitive to changes in natural environment, therefore it is very common to see the number of birds slash significantly or cease to existence should there be any trace of pollution threatening our living environment. Owing to Guandu Nature Park’s commitment in preserving the wetland in Guandu, it has become a safe haven for migratory birds where despite all obstacles and long-distance travels, they would still come here to seek for shelter and food. Wetland in Guandu is like a Michelin starred restaurant to migratory birds, abundant in fiddler crab, mudskipper, fish, shrimp, shellfish, and etc.; whereas the comfortable grassy marsh, swamp, and ponds are like a five-star hotel to them.
Five overseas and Taiwanese artists will work in collaboration with local residents, students, and volunteers in accomplishing their natural art installations under the theme “Migratory Bird”. In an effort to educate visitors on issues related to the environment in which they live through