Chi-Hao Pai|黑水 淨土 Black Water, The Pure Land
黑水 淨土 Black Water, The Pure Land
森 感覺實驗室— 白濟豪
sen sense lab— Chi-Hao Pai
臺灣 Taiwan
年份 Year
材料 Materials
Soil, bamboo charcoal powder
設置位置 Location
理念 Statement
無私的人 People who are selfless
滴下的汗是黑色的 Sweat beads of black.
渡生的神 Gods who liberate all beings
流下的淚是黑色的 Shed tears of black.
自私的人 Those who are selfish
洗下的水也是黑色的 excrete blackness.
黑水 一來到地上 Black water, having fallen to the ground,
就伏著地一路爬向大海 Crawls towards the sea.
沾黏住路上所有的好 The good blends in.
也沾黏路上所有的壞 The bad blends in also.
爬過之處成了眾生的歸宿 The place where black water crawls becomes a home for all beings.
眾生得以棲身 They shelter here.
但條件是一旦你離開 But when they leave,
將會忘記怎麼歸來 they may not return.
停留的越久 The longer they stay
你的生命就越短 The shorter their life will be.
漸漸的無法舞動你的四肢 Slowly their limbs will turn numb
你將長駐在這 And they will remain forever.
長駐在這 Here is the place of permanence.
人們稱之為 淨土 We call it the Pure Land.
一起來認識「森 感覺實驗室」台灣藝術家白濟豪!
Q: 請聊聊你這次的創作構想?
A: 這次作品概念是「淨土」,這個詞有「家」或「歸宿」的意味。河川帶來淤泥的營養,濕地成為鳥類的家,但在真實世界裡,這些土對鳥兒們卻不是那麼乾淨,牠們長期接觸土壤裡頭的汙染物,久而久之飛行能力下降、身體功能喪失,這些「淨土」反而導致牠們無法回家。這次的作品以土為元素,它像河流一樣蜿蜒整個公園,河裡有養分有污染―什麼都來到這裡,所以裡頭有很多故事。作品的土條敷上黑色,靈感來自「黑面媽祖」:傳說媽祖的面容被燻黑,一說是因為香火鼎盛,另一說是因為祂救苦救難,因為辛勞而灰頭土臉。黑水象徵守護著這個地方,讓生物們都安全地回家,也像很多志工都努力守護著關渡自然公園,讓鳥兒們安心地回來。
Q: 聽說你一開始想把「祭儀」這個元素帶入創作,這個構想有因為前期的田野調查產生什麼樣的變化嗎?
A: 一開始我一直在思考關渡這裡有什麼樣的植物可以跟祭儀做結合,還特地查了蘆葦的民俗用法和文化意義。但是在田野調查期間,聽到公園的研究員談及土壤裡的塑膠微粒,讓我很震撼。每天認識關渡周邊的地理人文,我都覺得土在呼喚「就是我!」,後來就打算用土創作。另外一件有趣的事是,在還沒確定申請到這個藝術計畫之前,我夢到自己被一團黑水黏住,想掙脫卻掙脫不開。這讓我想起佛經裡的七寶池,每個人往生後都在那裡開一朵蓮花,上面會有自己的名字。也許這個關於土與河流的作品,等著綻放寫有我名字的花。我認為祭儀是一種跟自然、神佛溝通的方法,在這片樹林裡工作的時候,我會注意到某些植物、動物,留意他們的特徵,慢慢地認識他們,我很喜歡和這些生命們交流對話的時刻,也想找到屬於我自己的祭儀方式。
Let's meet Pai of sen sense lab from Taiwan, the artist of 2016 Guandu International Nature Art Festival!
Q: Please talk about your ideas for the on-going art work?
A: The main idea for my artwork this time is the "Pure Land," which also connotes "homeland" or "destination.”Rivers bring mud with nutrition, thus making a good habitat for birds. However, it is ironic that birds take wetlands as homelands yet they get weak because of the toxins in lands and rivers. So I keep the question in mind: "what does "Pure Land" mean to the birds?" I use clays as my material to create a river shape around the park, symbolizing the all-embracing nature of river. The clay river is toned black because I was inspired by the idea of Matzu's black face. Legend has it that Matzu's face turned black because of endless stream of pilgrims, or because She is too busy with saving lives. So I make this black river as a symbol to guard all the lives in this place.
Q: I heard you wanted to do an artwork about religious rituals at the beginning. Does this idea change through the initial process of field research?
A: At the beginning, my idea was to use plants to convey the meanings of some rituals. I even checked how the Ketagalans used reeds as symbol of purification. However, I was shocked by the talk about the plastic microbeads in the soil by the researcher from the Park while having our field research. The more I knew about Guandu, the stronger calling I felt from the soil. So I decided to create my artwork with clay. Another interesting thing: before this art project I dreamt of myself stuck in some black water. I struggled yet I couldn't escape. This dream reminded me of the seven-jewelled pond in Buddism. It is said that everyone will find a lotus flower with their own names in the pond after passing away. Maybe this coming work of soil and river is just like the lotus flower for me. It belongs to me as it is. I think rituals are ways to communicate with nature and spirits. While working in the woods, I noticed some plants and animals. By recognizing their characteristics, I learned to know them more. It is enjoyable to be with different lives. I therefore create my own rituals as I try to communicate with them.
Q: Many volunteers joined your artwork this time. How do you feel about working with volunteers?
A: My previous works were mainly arrangements of different plants. I used to enjoy doing art creation alone. It was good to be indulged in my own world. But I found it necessary to involve more people this time since I wanted to make a bigger work. During the process I've also learned to take care of the volunteers' needs. Besides, I've organized my thoughts about the work through explaining my ideas to the volunteers repeatedly. I hope the volunteers can have their own room to show their personality and skills during the production. They are like drops in the river. Each person has his/her own contribution to the whole picture.
Q: It seems a new experience for you to do a residency project like this. Do you also want to join some art projects abroad?
A: Not yet. I want to join more domestic art projects first, so as to know more about my homeland as the start.
藝術家 Artist
s e n s e n s e l a b - 森 感覺實驗室
以古老祖先與大自然平衡共處的方式 - 採集
白濟豪 Chi-Hao Pai
1 9 8 7 年台北出生 2 0 1 5 創立 森 感覺實驗室
創作是觀照自身生活而流露的自我連結 是一種流動的時間
化下輩子想生為一棵樹的因 對自然植物的覺知為果
透過採集 觸摸自然 找尋並內化成為對生命的信仰
枯枝 骨骸 透過儀式性的影像 裝置
表達內在隱晦的話語 情感
土地提供養分滋養創作靈魂 眾生以萬千種方式回饋
Born 1987 in Taipei. Founded sen sense lab in 2014.
For me art creation means a connection with self through reflections upon life.
Time therefore unfolds in my objects.
I always try to learn about my own land.
Through collecting, I touch nature, internalizing what I've seen into beliefs.
Through ceremonial images and installations, deadwood as well as bones speak and show emotions.
The land provides nutrition to nurture our souls, and we pay it back in our own ways.
Thus I keep experimenting, to find a way for my inner feelings.