陳有德Yu Te Chen 《永渡池》Lucky


陳有德Yu Te Chen


國立臺灣藝術大學 學士、國立臺北藝術大學 碩士。1983年出生於台北,從事過藝術村營運、生態藝術、視覺藝術家、高蹺演出、劇場演員、遊行踩街視覺藝術總監、藝術節策展人、社區藝術教學和紀錄片拍攝工作。曾任竹圍工作室經理、國際珍古德協會生態藝術家、二格山自然中心空間經營管理、新北市國際環境藝術節藝術家,鬧熱關渡節策展人及其他各類展策展人,近年重心以推動社區藝術為主。BA, National Taiwan University of Arts, MA, National Taipei University of the Arts.Born in 1983 in Taipei, Chen has been engaged in art village operation, ecological art, visual artist, stilt-walking performance, theatre performer, visual art director of marching street, curator of art festivals, community art teaching and documentary filming. He has worked as the manager of Zhuwei Studio, ecological artist of Jane Goodall Institute, space manager of the K2 Nature Centre, artist of the New Taipei City International Environmental Art Festival, curator of the Fun Guandu Festival, and curator of other exhibitions, and in recent years, he has been focusing on the promotion of community art.




年份 | Year

位置 | Location
臺北市立關渡國民中學校門口空地、關渡自然公園自然中心一樓Open space in front of Taipei Municipal GuanDu Junior High School,  Nature Center  1F in Guandu Nature Park

材料 | Material
陶土、關渡土、竹子、麻繩 Clay,  Guandu Soil, Bamboo, Rope

理念 | Statement
結合關渡國中“與水共生”課程,與師生共創的方式,結合永續教學議題以經濟、社會、環境三面向,結合在地真實事件獅象隘口淹水問題為文本發展,規劃學生學習歷程,藉由作品創作引發學生思考。形式上以關渡宮的種福池為原型呈現,與同學共同討論出將作品命名為“永渡池”永續關渡的概念,許願池的永續概念是對關渡的期許也是祝福。In conjunction with the ‘Living with Water’ curriculum of Guandu Junior High School, the project was created by teachers and students, incorporating sustainable teaching issues in the three aspects of economy, society, and environment, and combining the local real-life incident of flooding in the Lion's Elephant Pass with the development of the text, to plan the learning process for the students, and to stimulate the students' thinking through the creation of the artwork. The artwork was presented in the form of the Guandu Temple's Seed Pond of Good Wishes, and with students discussing the concept of naming the work as ‘Yongdu Pond’ for the sustainability of Guandu, and the concept of the sustainable connotation of the Pond is a blessing for Guandu's expectations.

作品 Artworks