Posted on 24 Oct 2018
Artwork Exhibition : Live Happily Ever After
2018 Guandu International Nature Art Festival use "live happily ever after," the stock phrase used in fairy tales, to critically review the "human-center" philosophy. We aim to explore the ethics with the care of others and to ignite dialogues. In this way, it is possible to facilitate a sustainable future which all inhabitants can coexistence and mutual prosperity. There are seven artworks this year.
《貝之船,關渡:編織.水 》The Ship of Shells, Guandu - Weaving Water
杉原信幸 Nobuyuki Sugihara / 日本 Japan
A ship of shell shimmers with luster as if the shining water flowing between the boundary between the city and nature. It reflects the efforts of Guandu Nature Park with its pursuit of sustainability.
《超時空自然要塞》The Hyper Dimension Natural Fortress
大橋頭藝術工作室 Bridgehead Art Studio / Taiwan
Through reviewing the history of humans and nature lived harmoniously with mutual respect, this artwork attempts to create a home with this concept through a non-modern engineering approach using hand tools and natural resources.
《從何處來,往何處去?》From Where to Where?
廖柏森 Liao, Bo-Sen / Taiwan
The bridge was meant to be connecting two remote places. However, this is no longer crossable and buried in the wild. The ascending staircase symbolizes that civilization and human development are walking away from nature. Will it be willing to let go of the ego-centric attitude and return to the Mother Nature?
The artwork is installed in the Constructed Wetland. It can be seen at the Interpretation Station.
《絲繭》Silk Cocoon
Lua Rivera / Mexico
A nature-inspired installation provides a temporary shelter for humans and plants while mimicking the shape of a moth cocoon. The structures change their shape as they disintegrate with time while interacting with the environment. This disintegration sequence allows animals and insects of the park to collect and reuse the threads of the silk scraps for their own shelters.
陳勇昌 Kaling Diway / 臺灣 Taiwan
Shezi suffers from constant floods for years. Meanwhile, it shapes the highly resilient community and makes the villagers share weal. The lighthouse structure transmits the life in Shezi which impressed the artist. It symbolizes a shining light of humanity with mutual support.
Matt Chun (with Miro Jones) / 澳大利亞 Australia
This installation suggests the form of an abstracted “shrine” which is made by Matt in close collaboration with his 7-year-old son Miro through the process of play. It is ostensibly a fragile medium connecting the tangible to the abstract, but more importantly a space dedicated to stories and symbology, a physical manifestation of shared narratives.
《外星人報告1號—關渡聆聽場:殘留物、遺跡與記憶碎片》Alien Report No.1_ Guandu Listening Sites: Residues, Remnants and Debris of Memories
Slavek Kwi / 愛爾蘭/捷克 Ireland/Czech
Imagine an alien race, who can “see” the sounds, is visiting Guandu Nature Park, and trying to tune in the surrounding environment. The alien is generating sounds in the site, exploring various places at different times every day during his stay. These attempts to co-exist harmoniously in the environment are being recorded. Selection of recordings will be available for human evaluation via the listening post in Nature Center and online.