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──文森‧梵谷 Vincent van Gogh


自然主義哲學心理學與教育思想的創始者盧梭(Jean Jacques Rousseau),主張應該「返回自然」,因為自然是具有最純真、純善與純美之特性。著名的後印象派畫家—文生‧梵谷(Vincent van Gogh),自然觀對他的繪畫有著深刻的影響。梵谷認為藝術作品的真正價值在於誠實體現個人的感受,他以獨特的視角觀察世界,對自然進行感受,試圖從自然中尋求超自然的力量所在,以畫筆為工具表達他對生命終極神秘的關懷。

大自然其實就如同百寶箱,有千變萬化的知識在其中。當人與自然親近的次數多了,觀察的機會增加,就會逐漸產生一些體悟和情感,慢慢建立起親密的情感連結, 進而會尊重自然環境以及自然提供給人類的一切。


Theme of the Year


“Always continue walking a lot and loving nature, for that's the real way to learn to understand art better and better.  ”     
—Vincent van Gogh

There’s no doubt that planet Earth is awe-inspiring. It definitely has lots of interesting facts about Earth that you may, or may not know. Exploring the world is not as dangerous as you thought, we can discover the big truths through a small thing, which will bring a new pinnacle of exploration and discovery. Keep life interesting by exploring with the character of curiosity and tenacity.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of the 18th century. His philosophy usually termed as “Naturalism”. He contended that all the ills and miseries caused by civilization are due to a departure from a state of Nature. Returning to Nature, therefore, was his method to cure our earth in troubles. Vincent van Gogh embraced “Naturalism” as an inspiration in his artistic expressions, he observes the world from a unique perspective, tries to find the supernatural power from nature, feel it and use brushes as a tool to express his ultimate mysterious care for life.

Discovering nature’s hidden treasures, that have ever-changing knowledge in it. The more often people get close to the nature, the more it gets the opportunities to observe, they will gradually generate some insights and emotions. Furthermore establish an intimate emotional connection, showing respect to the natural environment that provides everything to humans.

Take action and start exploring in wonderful nature journey; 
See by sights, search by hand and unearth the facts about the amazing nature!