Denise Milan & Ary Perez|河流生命泉源 Amazon and Danshui Rivers, Waters that Feed Life

河流‧生命‧泉源 Amazon and Danshui Rivers, Waters that Feed Life

Denise Milan & Ary Perez

巴西 Brazil

年份 Year

材料 Materials
Wood, stones, rope

理念 Statement


This site-specific installation is a collaborative artwork that continues our interest in creating spaces for contemplation about our environment and human connections to nature, as in our “Project Earth” series.  This carries one step further our previous work called “America’s Courtyard,” created for the city of Chicago.  Our work creates a maze-like space for viewers to enter and stimulates interventions that allow its visitors to discover the interior and existential path on Earth in a lucid and participative way, without losing the subjectivity that belongs to art, life and science.  In its metaphor the observer can move between the layers of Earth, follow the paths of rivers, and experience the layers of existence, acknowledging its various manifestations within its process of transformation- entangled by illusion.  “Amazon and Danshui Rivers, Waters that Feed Life,” will focus on two important rivers in the countries of Brazil and Taiwan and encourage people to think more about the importance of water as a source of life and a necessity for its continuation.  The work presents a symbolic representation of the rivers with vegetation and stones.  Materials collected in Taiwan along the Danshui River and at Guandu Nature Park will be joined with a few stones brought from the Amazon River in Brazil to emphasize the global connection and help us recognize the importance of rivers in our lives in both countries.  All rivers have the same essence and connect in the ocean, the great wisdom of our planet.