Marek Ranis|漂浮之島 The Floating Land

漂浮之島 The Floating Land

Marek Ranis

波蘭/美國 Poland/ U.S.A.

年份 Year

材料 Materials
Bamboo, fabric panels printed with hot transfer image

理念 Statement


I want my art to record changes in the environment and our presence in it.  In my work I look at large social and political events, ecology or geographical and political borders from a larger cultural and historical perspective.  Somehow viewing from a distance allows us to see a fuller or clearer picture of reality.  I see my work as an invitation to contemplate our times and inspiration for a hopeful future; some call this “weltschmerz” (world grief).  I do not believe that art can change the world, although I do believe that it can help raise awareness.  My current body of work was triggered by my interest in global climate change.  What propelled me to focus on this phenomenon, besides the acuteness and extent of related events, is the fact that we seem not to comprehend it.  Perhaps this is due to its enormous scale.  Historically, huge events have been often realized only retrospectively.  Taiwan is very vulnerable to the impacts of global climate change. 

The impacts would include rising sea levels, lack of water resources and destruction of many ecosystems.  The wetlands will be first to be destroyed by such a dramatic rise of sea water, and this will not only change the ecology of Guandu’s fresh water marshes, but will also have tremendous economic and social impact on the whole island.  The existence of Guandu’s wetlands can be used as symbol of the fragile balance between various environmental forces.  This balance is supporting life on the Island.  “The Floating Land” is a large wooden/ bamboo structure shaped like a boat with fabric panels hanging from the frame.  The frame of the boat is supported by poles marked with rising water levels.  The fabric will be covered by a large hot transfer print of a satellite image of the island of Taiwan.  The print seen from the side and underneath will look like a large transparency or slide.  The fabric will gently move with the wind inviting the audience to interact with the piece and perhaps initiating discussion about the impact of climate change on the natural and human environment of Taiwan.