Susanne Ruoff|觀人小築 Human Watching Cabin

觀人小築 Human Watching Cabin

Susanne Ruoff

德國 Germany

年份 Year

材料 Materials
Wood, bamboo poles, paint

理念 Statement


The work “humanwatching cabins” is a site-specific work that relates to one of Guandu Nature Park’s main issues: birdwatching.  There are a number of different cabins in the park designed for people to watch birds without being seen and without disturbing them.  This image I want to invert.  I want to create “humanwatching cabins” for the birds so that the birds can also watch people without being seen.  This means a change from being subject to object and vice versa.

The “humanwatching cabins” should be EXACT copies of the birdwatching cabins in the park, like little architectural models (maquettes).  The “humanwatching cabins” will be open on one side so that the birds can really walk in if they like.  The “humanwatching cabins” will sit on long wooden or bamboo poles so that the birds can easily reach them and so that the birds have a good view over the people.  The “humanwatching cabins” will be distributed in different places in the park.  They should be close to the birdwatching cabins, so that the visitor can have both of the cabins in one sight.