關渡聲景 藝術轉譯 Sound Monitoring

臺灣百合收音器Taiwan Lily Sound Collector 

関口恒男 Tsuneo Sekiguchi

日本 Japan

年份 | Year

研究主題 | Location
關渡聲景 藝術轉譯 Sound Monitoring

位置 | Location
Hill next to the Nature Center

材料 | Material
Bamboo, Rope 

理念 | Statement


I hope people can listen to the sounds the way a flower does without analyzing it, which can be a kind of meditation, “ The listener is the sound.” Is the same as “The observer is the observed”.

Listening helps us to understand ourselves. My understanding of “I ”is that “ I am the world; the universe is my body”. If “ I ” could understand who I am then “ I ” will care about the world, the earth, nature and so on in a way nature cares for “ my body” .


藝術家 Artist




Tsuneo Sekiguchi

Tsuneo Sekiguchi has been making a space for people and himself to dance and named “Rainbow Hut”. He felt lucky that he could visit Taiwan many times and have chances to make his artworks. He made two environmental artworks in Cheng Long Wetlands International Environmental Art Project and one in NMMST International Marine Environmental Art Project.
Artist reflects on his life and believes that through it he could learn many things.