緯創資通 Wistron Corporation《翼起回家》Ascending Home
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緯創資通 Wistron Corporation
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
月池旁草地 Grassland by the Moon Pond
材料 | Material
Driftwood, Iron, pine wood
理念 | Statement
這件環境藝術作品以關渡自然公園常見的蒼鷺為意象,由緯創43位志工同仁集體創作的各式鳥類形象,環繞在3米高的蒼鷺羽翼下。作品陳列在由緯創人文基金會所認養守護的月池及保育核心區之間,不僅是藝術的呈現,也象徵每年候鳥返家與原生淡水魚悠遊於月池家園的生命延續與傳承。讓我們一同珍惜這片美好棲地,共同創造自然與生物多樣性的多元價值。This artwork was created by the collective efforts of 43 Wistron volunteers, who drew inspiration from the various birds seen within Guandu Nature Park. It features birds made of driftwood placed under the wings of a three-meter-tall Grey Heron sculpture. The installation has been placed by the Core conservation area of Guandu Nature Park and the Moon Pond, which is adopted by the sponsorship of Wistron Foundation. It is meant not simply as an expression of art, but also as a symbol of the annual return of migratory birds and their graceful dances with the native freshwater fish, embodying the continuity and legacy of life. Let us cherish this beautiful habitat and promote the values of nature and its biodiversity.