Kuei-Chih Lee|島嶼 Meander Island
島嶼 Meander Island
Kuei-Chih Lee
臺灣 Taiwan
年份 Year
材料 Materials
Branches, soil, plant
概念 Statement
"Meander Islands" is part of the series "Meander" series. Through the energy of bending, I wish to tell the story of a vital relationship between land and people.
In order for straightening to happen, bending is essential. It is also an indispensable process for a river to meander.
Taipei used to be a lake, but as the plate tectonics continue to move and shape the landforms into the present day basin. The hill of Zhishanyen offers a record of Taipei’s history ever since the formation of the island now known as Taiwan. The work will be installed in or near a pond to represent the evolving history of Taipei basin. I will create several floating islands to integrate with the surrounding environment, and I wish to draw attention on the importance of Zhishanyen not only a gene pool for plant species but a regenerated habitat. “Meander Island” will resonate the emotions toward our beloved land.