Jordi NN | 交會處 Donde se cruzan los caminos (Where the Paths Cross)
交會處 Donde se cruzan los caminos (Where the Paths Cross)
Jordi NN
西班牙 Spain
年份 | Year
地點 | Location
海岸林區 Coastal Forest Area
材料 | Materials
竹子、麻繩 Bamboo, Hemp ropes
理念 | Statement
There is no path without intersection. There is no action without a decision. There is no dialogue without listening. There is no consensus without a meeting point. Where the wind touches the earth. Where thoughts touch the sky. There is a commonplace, a hidden place. Where "nowhere" is a place in itself. Where different beginnings share improvised sanctuary. That's "where the paths cross".
藝術家 Artist
Jordi是一位致力於創意思維的跨領域藝術家。1985年生於西班牙瓦倫西亞,他自青少年時期就開始展開藝術創作。他學習各種領域的多元媒材藝術(設計、攝影、錄像、觀念藝術)與古典藝術(雕塑、素描、繪畫)。自2010年起他舉行了第一場在西班牙外的展覽,並正式以”Jordi NN”開始在國際上展露頭角。自此他參與、發展或創造許多在希臘、拉脫維亞、德國、立陶宛、墨西哥、荷蘭、挪威、美國等地的不同計劃。
1985, Valencia, SPAIN
Interdisciplinary artist and creative mind, Jordi began to produce art projects in his teens. During his career he has studied different fields of multimedia arts (design, photography, video, conceptual art) and classic arts (sculpture, drawing, painting).
Since 2010 Jordi NN has become an internationally known artist with his first exhibitions outside Spain. Since that he has participated, developed and created projects in different countries such as Greece, Latvia, Germany, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, the U.S., etc.