Lua Rivera《絲繭》Silk Cocoon

絲繭 Silk Cocoon

Lua Rivera

墨西哥 Mexico

年份 | Year

地點 | Location
Hill next to the Nature Center

材料 | Material
Bamboo, sisal rope, silk, stone, natural-dyed cotton thread

理念 | Statement


Silk Cocoons is a nature-inspired installation that provides a temporary shelter for humans and plants while mimicking the shape of a moth cocoon. This piece is comprised of mix media biodegradable structures made of layers of silk, bamboo, and jute. The structures change their shape as they disintegrate with time while interacting with the environment. This disintegration sequence allows animals and insects of the park to collect and reuse the threads of the silk scraps for their own shelters.

I hope that this installation will generate empathy with different bugs that have been cohabiting with humans for centuries dressing us with their precious fibers.

藝術家 Artist

Lua Rivera

Lua Rivera藉實驗去理解、產出以求生存。對她來說,藝術可消除學科間界線,促進彼此更自由交流,也讓超越美術館圍牆的展覽得以發生。Lua創作基於如築巢,生長和生物適應等過程。做為一名視覺藝術家,她持續不斷尋找與運用跨領域資源,如:介入、拼貼、攝影與織品。

Lua Rivera

Lua Rivera experiments to know, and produces to survive. For her, art can erase the boundaries between disciplines, promoting free interaction between them and allowing the exhibition to transcend the walls of the gallery. Lua based her artwork in processes such as nesting, growth, and adaptation of organisms. As a visual artist, she is distinguished for her continuous search and use of multidisciplinary resources such as intervention, collage, photography, and textiles.