趙書榕 Shu-Jung CHAO 《雕刻時光 – 身體&記憶&流動》Sculpting in Time – Body & memory & flow

雕刻時光 – 身體&記憶&流動
Sculpting in Time – Body & memory & flow
趙書榕 Shu-Jung CHAO
臺灣 Taiwan
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
心濕地解說站 Interpretation Station
材料 | Material
自然媒材編織. 聲音物件空裝置間
Natural Materials weaving, Sound-Space Installation
理念 | Statement
這是一件關於時間&空間 ; 記憶&流動的作品,包含了:視覺&聽覺&觸覺,連結關渡人文考古、音景漫遊、公園動植物與人類生命的故事,人與自然形塑時間的樣貌,時間和空間的堆積沈澱雕塑了作品,猶如孩童般最初的眼光好奇地去觀察和探索這世界。
This is a work about time & space/ memory & flow. It includes visual, auditory, and tactile components that bridges the culture, archaeology, soundscapes, parks, flora, fauna, and human lives of Guandu to form a unique story. Human and nature shapes the landscape of time. The accumulation of time and space shapes an artwork. Let us observe and explore this world with an innocent naïveté.
藝術家 Artist
趙書榕出生於台灣台北,自2005年赴法國留學,獲法國國立高等布魯日藝術學院,國家高等造型表達藝術碩士文憑 ( DNSEP, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Bourges )。 2011-12參與法國巴黎高等裝飾藝術學院,藝術家研究後文憑的計畫 ( Post-diplôme, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratif, Paris ), 長期從事新媒體當代藝術、複合媒體、跨媒體等藝術創作,作品除活躍於國內外各大錄像藝術節展覽外,更是唯一作品三度獲選收錄法德電視台的臺灣人( « 2014, 2013, 2011 ARTE Video Night » ),除於ARTE電視台播出外,緊接著又於法國土魯茲國家電影資料館( Cinémathèque de Toulouse ),巴黎數位文化媒體藝術中心( La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris )和巴黎東京宮( Palais de Tokyo )展出。2017個展更登上日本NHK和RSK(山陽放送)報導。2011年獲選文建會MIT ( Made In Taiwan )新銳藝術家,作品多次獲選國立台灣美術館青年藝術家作品購藏計畫和文化部ArtBank藝術銀行典藏。近年來創作方向一直環繞於有關「游離」、「旅行」,在自我私領域的「記憶漫遊」,以及在公領域的「全球化」課題。
Shu-Jung CHAO
Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Shu-Jung CHAO left for France in 2005 and received her DNSEP at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Bourges. CHAO then went on to study in the post-diplôme program at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratif in Paris from 2011-12. She has dedicated her career to new media art, mixed media art, and transmedia art. Her works can be found in various prestigious video art festivals around the world and she is the only Taiwanese artist whose work had been thrice selected to be aired on ARTE Video Night (2014, 2013, 2011). Following the ARTE airing, CHAO went on to exhibit her works at the Cinémathèque de Toulouse in France, the La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris, and the Palais de Tokyo, also in Paris. Her 2017 solo exhibit was reported by Japanese broadcasters, NHK and RSK. In 2011, CHAO was received the Taiwan’s Emerging Artists award from the Ministry of Culture (Made in Taiwan). Many of her works have been selected by the NTMOFA Collection – Young Artists and the MOC ArtBank for preservation. In recent years, her works have revolved around wandering and traveling where she explores the personal subject of reminiscing and the very public topic of globalization.
作品 Artworks