Vladimir Durnev《關渡的回憶》Memories of Guandu
關渡的回憶 Memories of Guandu
Vladimir Durnev
俄羅斯 Russia
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
仙渡莊旅社 和 3號賞鳥小屋 (關渡自然公園)XDZ Hotel and Birdwatching Cabin 3 (GD Park)
材料 | Material
Local clay from Guandu Nature Park, Porcelain, Glaze and Metal Oxides
理念 | Statement
《關渡的回憶》是一件陶瓷組成的牆面裝置藝術,描繪了作品場地 - 仙渡莊旅社的過往經歷。關渡的歷史揭露了旅社作為連結城市生活與大自然的特殊身份。這邊的舊車站象徵著兩個不同世界之間的橋樑:文化與自然。旅社牆面的裝置藝術使用的陶瓷,是取用關渡自然公園的黏土特別燒製而成,磚上的圖紋以粉末氧化工藝塗製,而磁磚的顏色則是黏土、釉彩和金屬氧化物經過化學反應後呈現的自然色澤。
<Memories of Guandu> is a ceramic wall installation for the XDZ Hotel which depicts the past of this place. The Guandu history reveals a particular role of this site in connection with urban life and nature. The old railway station here had a symbolic meaning being a bridge between the two worlds: culture and nature. The wall installation for the hotel consists of ceramic tiles made of specially processed local clay found in the Guandu Nature Park. Graphics on the tiles accomplished by using "powder oxidation" technique. Colour is a result of a chemical reaction between clay, glaze, and metal oxides.
藝術家 Artist
Vladimir Durnev
Vladimir Durnev 是一位陶瓷藝術家,於俄羅斯瑟克特夫卡爾大學(Syktyvkar State University)擔任高級講師,目前在國立台北教育大學攻讀碩士學位。Durnev多次參與各項國際展覽、研討會和駐村計畫,於2012年成為俄羅斯藝術家工會(Union of Artists of Russia)會員(該工會隸屬聯合國教科文組織國際藝術學會(IAA AIAP UNESCO)。自2013年起,Durnev活躍於極圈永續藝術設計協作網絡( Arctic Sustainable Art and Design, ASAD)舉辦的各項研討會,並於2018年成為國際陶藝學會(IAC)會員。
Vladimir Durnev
Vladimir Durnev is a ceramic artist and a senior lecturer at the Syktyvkar State University in Russia. He is currently doing his postgraduate MA study at the National Taipei University of Education in Taiwan. He has been participating in many international exhibitions, symposiums and art residencies. Since 2012, he is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia which is a part of the International Association of Art IAA AIAP UNESCO. Since 2013 he is an active participant of symposiums conducted by Arctic Sustainable Art and Design network ASAD. In 2018 Vladimir has become a member of International Academy of Ceramics IAC.