李樹明/Iván Alberto Flores Morán《聽風》No tree is untouched by the wind

聽風 No tree is untouched by the wind
李樹明 Lee Shuming / Ivan Alberto Flores Moran
臺灣 Taiwan/墨西哥 Mexico
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
自然中心前草坡 Grass Hill in front of the Nature Center
材料 | Material
竹子、各式種子、貝殼、織品 Bamboo, Seeds, Shell, Fabric
理念 | Statement
Wind carries the seasonal changes onto a little adventure, delivering the concerto of nature. Bringing with it seeds, nutrients and hope to its destinations. The wind also symbolizes the continuation of life. Materials collected from nature are made into musical instruments. As we listen to the sounds they produce, we are listening to the wind’s journey. The wavy bamboo structure resembles rivers and other water bodies touched by the wind. It also symbolizes the past and present of Guandu.
藝術家 Artist

李樹明/Iván Alberto Flores Morán
李樹明 Lee Shuming
畢業於台灣藝術大學 2012-2021在身聲劇場參與演出、製作舞台設計、道具設計 2011-2020新北市淡水環境藝術節 踩街造型設計指導。
Iván Alberto Flores Morán
2004年畢業於墨西哥Escuela Superior de Musica音樂學院,主修打擊樂。於2004-2012年8年間多次得到獎學金到印尼學習傳統音樂(峇里島甘美朗打擊樂)為了更深入學習峇里島傳統音樂,Ivan於峇里島居住長達六年,並且學習當地語言(包含印尼語及峇里語)。Ivan在峇里島音樂上的學習成果獲得當地傳統皮影劇團樂師的認可,多次隨著劇團參與當地慶典演出及教學傳承,也多次參與社區藝術推廣。2002-2004年間參與Itinerante兒童劇團於墨西哥及智利巡演。2006-2011年參與台灣夢想社區各項踩街藝術教學計畫。

Lee Shuming/Iván Alberto Flores Morán
Lee Shuming is a graduate of National Taiwan University of Arts. Between 2012 and 2021, he performed with Sun Son Theatre while working on stage and prop design. Between 2011 and 2020, he served as a design director for street parades during New Taipei City Tamsui Environmental Arts Festival.
Iván Alberto Flores Morán graduated from Escuela Superior de Musica in Mexico with a major in percussion music. Between 2004 and 2012, he received multiple scholarships to travel to Indonesia to study gamelan, the traditional Balinese percussion ensemble music. To further study this traditional form of music, he stayed in Bali for 6 years, and learned to speak Indonesian and Balinese. His musical performance has won the recognitions of musicians from local shadow puppet troupes. He participated in festivities and educational programs with the local troupes, and engaged in community art promotion campaigns. Between 2002 and 2004, he toured Mexico and Chile with Itinerante, a youth theater. He also participated in education campaigns for street parade art with Dream Community between 2006 and 2011.
作品 Artworks