山田設計(歐舟、簡吟如)《半個地球一座橋》Half of the Earth and a Bridge
半個地球一座橋 Half of the Earth and a Bridge
山田設計-歐舟、簡吟如 Sunden Design (Euroba, Chien Yin-Ru)
臺灣 Taiwan
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
埤塘生態區(南北池) Freshwater Pond (South and North pond)
材料 | Material
Bamboo, reeds, twigs, and hemp ropes
理念 | Statement
半個地球:為我們人類未知的另一半地球,人類如同盲眼人般,以有限的知識在這個地球生活著,而另一半的 10 的18次方的種種生物,自成生態圈。一座橋:為生物多樣性服務,給關渡自然公園內的蝦,蟹,烏龜,水鳥等動物一條無障礙的通道。作品形式以半個地球 (半圓)展現人類所知的生物圈,水的倒映另一半則為不為人知的生態系,半圓圈形式為橋,水的倒影映照出整個地球的圓形,象徵著人類與另外種種的生物圈,與我們共同生活在我們這個地球上。而橋則象徵我們對另一半未知的生物圈的連結,一種友善的態度,一隻服務的臂膀,此橋作為連接兩方的生態系統,一個療癒的連通器。
Half of the Earth: it is the other half of the Earth that humans do not know of. People seem blind to use their finite knowledge to live on Earth. On the other half of the Earth, 1018 types of creatures form an ecosphere by themselves. A bridge: this is to serve biodiversity and provide a barrier-free path for animals such as shrimps, crabs, turtles, aquatic birds, etc.
The creation is presented in half of the Earth (a half sphere) to represent the biosphere known by humans, while the reflection of water reflects the other unknown biosphere. The bridge is made of a semicircle, and the reflection of water reflects the whole sphere of the Earth, symbolizing the ecosphere of humans and other kinds of creatures cohabiting on the Earth. On the other hand, the bridge symbolizes the connection of human beings with the other unknown biosphere: a friendly attitude, and a helping hand. This bridge, a healing connector, is the connection between these two biospheres.