Shilpa Joglekar《生命之樹》Tree of Life
生命之樹 Tree of Life
Shilpa Joglekar
印度 India
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
埤塘生態區(南北池)Freshwater Pond (South and North pond)
材料 | Material
Bamboo, rope, binding wire, White Fabric
理念 | Statement
The Tree of Life installation stands as a portrayal of nature's generosity and interconnectedness. Crafted from bamboo and umbrella fabric, it blossoms in full splendour, symbolizing the perpetual gifts bestowed upon us by nature – from nourishing fruits and nuts to life-giving sunlight and rain. Nestled amidst water, it offers a captivating reflection, inviting profound contemplation. This artwork seeks to engage festival attendees, prompting them to reflect on nature's significance in our lives. It serves as a poignant reminder of our shared responsibility to cherish, safeguard, and restore the environment for the well-being of all living beings, present, and future.
藝術家 Artist

Shilpa Joglekar
獲獎無數的Shilpa,包含1993年榮獲法國政府獎學金,除了在視覺藝術方面的成就以外,一直是藝術教育的熱情倡導者。她創辦並擔任孟買的Rachana Sansad美術與工藝學院的首任院長(2005-2010年)她在學院藝術學校(JJ School of Arts)接受繪畫訓練(1989年取得藝術學士學位),並在學術方面繼續深造,獲得古代印度文化碩士學位。此外,她還是一位優秀的陶藝家和陶匠。近年來,她開始參與裝置藝術、公共藝術和社區藝術等形式,利用有機材料與社會和特定場所的場域來進行交流。 Shilpa已經參與了許多展覽和藝術計畫,包括最近在法國、比利時、瑞典、台灣、韓國和日本的計畫。欲了解更多關於Shilpa的資訊,歡迎參觀她的網站。

Shilpa Joglekar
The recipient of numerous awards, including a French Government Scholarship(1993), Shilpa has been an impassioned champion of arts education alongside her accomplishments in the visual arts. She founded and was the first Dean of Academy of Fine Arts & Crafts, Rachana Sansad, Mumbai(2005-20010).。Trained as a painter from JJ School of Arts (B.F.A. 1989) and pursued her academics by doing M.A. in Ancient Indian Culture, and is also an accomplished ceramicist and potter. In recent years, she has opened up her context to participate in the language of installation, public and community based art forms, engendering organic materials to communicate with social and site-specific milieus.
Shilpa has numerous exhibitions and art projects to her credit, including recent projects in France, Belgium Sweden, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. For more about Shilpa, visit her website at
Shilpa has numerous exhibitions and art projects to her credit, including recent projects in France, Belgium Sweden, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. For more about Shilpa, visit her website at