Onongua Enkhtur《編織世界的鬃毛》Weaving the World's mane
編織世界的鬃毛 Weaving the World's mane
Onongua Enkhtur
蒙古 Mongolia
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
自然中心後草坡Grass Hill in back of the Nature Center
材料 | Material
Dried rice grass, hemp ropes, Bamboo
理念 | Statement
We learn to appreciate and protect what we have.World's Mane is everything that exists in the whole world.Mane or Del (in Mongolian) has two meanings in Mongolia and both meanings are used here in the work.Beside the meaning of mane, it has a meaning of scattered and neglected.The action weaving represents conscious work, care devotion and righteous deeds. The second meaning is everything left neslected also needs some care and love.
藝術家 Artist
Onongua Enkhtur
Onongua Enkhtur 是一位來自蒙古的視覺藝術家。Onongua 於1994年5月26日出生於蒙古烏蘭巴托市,2016年畢業於蒙古國立藝術文化大學美術班。她的藝術活動始於繪畫。2019年,她開始進行行為與裝置藝術,並著重於大地藝術與紡織藝術作品。2022年, Onongua 於烏蘭巴托阿勒坦汗畫廊舉辦首次當代個展。我大部分的藝術作品是紡織藝術,包括針織、編織和混合繪畫技巧。我的藝術作品靈感來自於自小熟悉的遊牧生活,以及大自然。希望透過藝術作品表達對大自然、所有生物以及人類與自然之間的親密聯繫。
Onongua Enkhtur
Onongua Enkhtur is a Mongolian Visual artist. Onongua was born Ulaanbaatar city Mongolia on May 26, 1994. In 2016 ,She graduated Fine art class from Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture. She began her artistic activities with painting. In 2019 ,which her research focused on Land Art and Textile art works .She started engaging in performance art also installation projects .Onongua had his first solo contemporary exhibition in Mongolia at Khan Art gallery in Ulaanbaatar in 2022.
Most of my artworks are textile art including knitting, weaving and mixed drawing technique, Her artworks are inspired by the nomadic lifestyle which She practiced since when I was kid and mother nature. She aims to express an idea to love mother nature, all its creatures and intimate connection between human and nature through her artworks.
作品 Artworks