緯創資通《翼起祝福 》Ascending Blessings

翼起祝福 Ascending Blessings
緯創資通 Wistron Corporation
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
二號賞鳥小屋 Birdwatching Cabin (2)
材料 | Material
Drifwood, branch, spruce blanks
理念 | Statement
This artwork is a collective creation by 40 volunteers from Wistron. Themed on the birds that visit the Guandu Nature Park throughout the four seasons, the work also features non-native birds or raptors of the area, thus highlighting the park’s rich and diverse ecology. Using natural wood, the volunteers of Wistron created images of birds familiar to them. Finally, the individual pieces were placed around the No.2 Birdwatching Cabin adopted by the Wistron Foundation. The finished work resembles flocks of birds nesting in a cozy, friendly environment, rendering a beautiful scene of people in harmony with nature.
共同創作人 | 王君如、江泰儒、余秉澤、吳彥樓、呂學霖、李婉瑄、周文玲、周侑君、周欣儀、周冠妤、林怡君、林奕辰、林郁翔、林家瑩、金鈺蓉、施又予、柯建成、高浚凱、張庭禎、曹峰銘、郭定澄、陳俞瑄、陳祖霖、游適豪、馮翠芬、黃于珊、黃昶璁、楊凱婷、葉伯璘、潘建銘、蔡竹嘉、蔡燕華、盧劭恭、盧啟清、顏仲伶、蘇泰維、蘇毓傑
作品 Artworks