初 Seed
臺灣&旅居荷蘭 Taiwan & Residence in the Netherlands
她近幾年的創作媒材主要是16毫米膠卷影。創作關注於事物的本質探討與生命經驗的深刻體會。藉由紀錄事物狀態之間的關聯性,反應出無以名狀的真實以及生命的全然性。希望在不斷地對事物進行思索與觀察下,以影像的視覺本質,呈現出一種不可言喻的詩意,狀態和全然性。她的研究與實踐主要依賴16毫米膠片、裝置藝術和視聽表演。膠片的特性讓她得以在光、時間和空間之間的邊緣地帶游走,探索轉變的瞬間。她的藝術實踐深受瑜伽、道和聲療冥想的啟發。是荷蘭鹿特丹藝術家自營沖印空間Filmwerkplaats成員。In recent years, the artist Lichun Tseng has been working mainly with 16mm film. Her works are concerned with the exploration of the nature of everything and the profound realisation of life experience. By recording the correlation between the states of objects and people, her works reflect the unspeakable truth and the wholeness of life. She hopes to present an ineffable poetry, state and wholeness through the visual nature of images under the constant contemplation and observation. Her research and practice rely mainly on 16mm film, installation art and audiovisual performances. The nature of film allows her to navigate the margins between light, time and space, exploring moments of transformation. Her artistic practice is inspired by yoga, Taoism and sound healing meditation. She is a member of the artist-run film lab Filmwerkplaats in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
海岸林區涼亭、心濕地入口解說站 Coastal Forest Pavilion, Interpretation Station
材料 | Material
明室:16 毫米 影像膠卷底片 & 暗室:木板,布,竹子 Lightroom: 16mm Image Film Negative & Darkroom: Wooden Board, Fabric, Bamboo
理念 | Statement
以16毫米黑白膠卷底片擷取影像的過程當作一個對自然的探索與反思。用微觀的視角觀察,用緩慢的速度擷取片刻,重新理解建構人與自然之間的關係;以深度聆聽(deep listening)和森林浴(Shinrin-Yoku)作為練習方法,此次創作構築了「明室」與「暗室」,藉以連結探索內在和外在的自與然。The process of capturing images using 16mm black-and-white film negatives becomes an exploration and reflection on the natural world. Observing Guandu Nature Park's unique ecology from a microscopic perspective allows us to capture fleeting moments, re-constructing as well as re-conceptualizing the relationship between humans and nature. This project uses deep listening and Shinrin-Yoku (forest bathing) as practices to bridge the inner and outer worlds of nature, constructing a dialogue between the "light room" and the "dark room"—a metaphor for exploring both the external environment and the internal self.