Fiona Paterson《生命之柱》Pillars of life
生命之柱Pillars of life
Fiona Paterson
菲歐娜•帕特森(Fiona Paterson)出生於辛巴威,父母為蘇格蘭人,是一位憑藉直覺創作的多元領域藝術家。她將多種技術與環境整合,打破彼此間的界限,探索其中孕育的綜合體。帕特森透過模糊不同藝術領域的界線,創造出一種思想與技術的融合,這一過程深受她在辛巴威的童年經歷及歐洲背景的影響。她的創作主題往往聚焦於人類狀況及其與環境的微妙關係,並以回收金屬、黏土與木材等材料來展現這種關聯性。Born in Zimbabwe to Scottish parents, Fiona Paterson is a multidiciplinary artist working instinctively within a number of techniques and environments breaking the boundaries between them and exploring the resulting syntheses. She seeks to blur the lines between the disciplines to create a synthesis of ideas and techniques drawing frequently apon her influences from her Zimbabwean childhood and European roots. She often bases her work on the human condition and its relation to and with the environment using resources such as recycled metal, clay and wood.
年份 | Year
位置 | Location
海岸林區 Coastal Forest
材料 | Material
Bamboo, rice straw, hemp cord, wire, natural found materials
理念 | Statement
生命之柱是由三根支柱所組成的雕塑作品,每根支柱都象徵永續發展的三個基本要素...o環境o 社會o 經濟。本作品強調,在維繫永續未來的過程中,保育,經濟,與社區的重要性,不言而喻。它敦促人們共同反思我們對環境的影響,並推廣永續發展的實際做法。本雕塑作品對所有與它相遇的人發出邀請,一起開展更永續、更緊密連結的未來之旅。Pillars of life is a sculpture consisting of three pillars, each symbolizing three fundamentals of sustainability…environment, social, economic. It emphasizes the importance of conservation, economics and communities in building and maintaining a sustainable future. It urges a collective rethinking of our impact on the environment and promotes sustainable practices. The sculpture invites all who encounter it to join in the journey towards a more sustainable and interconnected future .